Thursday 10 October 2019

Best Mac Remote Desktop Clients for Mac Remote Access

Regardless of whether you need to call support or share a screen with a friend, at certain times we need a client for Remote Desktop for Mac. Using the special client for Mac Remote Desktop, you can quickly connect to a remote computer from another computer. These Mac clients are great technical support tools for accessing a remote computer in seconds.

With the Apple Remote Desktop Client, you can efficiently run a PC environment remotely on the same system. The Remote Desktop Mac client comes as a third-party, third-party, open source, or free program to help users in several ways.

 Many Mac Remote Desktop clients are available to access your computer from anywhere, regardless of distance. Take advantage of the best features by choosing one of the best remote desktop clients for Mac that suits your needs and requirements.

Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop has always been a favorite for all remote connections since its release. In addition to the Mac client, Google’s Remote Desktop supports cross-platform capabilities, including Android. Support for multiple monitors at a time, and automatic updates make this the only find.

Chrome Remote Desktop is a great tool and has good features to become the best Mac client for Remote Desktop. Installation is pretty straightforward as it comes with the Chrome Store app. Remote access is provided either by sharing the access code, or by linking your devices to the application and Google account. Thanks to Google’s security features, all sessions are encrypted . Connections are initiated by either an access code or a PIN code .

To enable the Chrome Remote Desktop connection on your device, first install the application from a browser and click to enable remote connections on this device. The .dmg file will be downloaded as soon as the instructions on the screen are completed. After that, open the file and follow the on-screen instructions to install Chrome Remote Desktop Services. Set a PIN to access your computer from anywhere in the world using the app and your Google account.


TeamViewer is one of Mac's favorite remote desktop clients that is widely used by people around the world. Useful sports features, such as waking up on a local network, which wakes the computer while sleeping. Thanks to online meetings and collaboration features, several people can connect to the host or share it if necessary.

It functions as a Mac remote desktop, allowing you to switch computers and manage them using the appropriate features. This is a bit late because it provides high performance, making it an ideal tool for the Apple Remote Desktop client, accessible to all. The simple interface of the application provides the convenience of working with the user and allows them to easily use all the free features. To configure TeamViewer Remote Connection for Mac, no additional router settings are required. Remote sessions can be recorded in a video file, and portability provides quick access to remote connections on the go.

join me allows a person to share as well as manage a common screen . Only one window is common, and not the entire screen, which contains all unfinished tasks, such as unread emails, documents. It also allows a person to continue working on a document. You can easily avoid sharing a document while you share the screen.

ou can use this best secure Mac Remote Desktop Client for a free trial that lasts about 14 days. A person can also create more than one personal background, which can be used at almost any time. Users can access endless canvas and available space to capture any idea without any problems.

Other privacy and security policies include disabling individual members for better control. Users can also access video conferencing software and transfer the role of presenter among participants.

Apple remote desktop

Apple Remote Desktop is the best way to control and manage Mac computers on the network. This remote desktop for the Mac client is available to provide interactive assistance to end users. Anyone can use this software on their system to automate routine management tasks from your own Mac. Easily copy and install software using the Apple Remote Desktop Client. Using this Mac client, we can generate accurate and detailed hardware and software reports .

Mac client remote desktop can also encrypt network data when copying packages and files. This offer from Apple's Remote Desktop allows you to transfer files from one computer to another using the drag and drop function . Run over a dozen commands with complete security on remote Mac systems with ease. Many of the features available include remote screen lock, sleep mode, wake up, restart and shut down Mac systems.


RealVNC offers users a stable connection to the remote desktop and is an excellent tool for solving other people's problems. It comes with IP filtering and an inactivity timeout to provide people using the Mac Remote Desktop Client with added security. The main problem with the software is that it is more beneficial for people with in-depth knowledge of networks and computers.

The tool comes with built-in chat to give users the ability to chat with others. It also allows users to access the address book for several functions. If there are any problems, users will be provided with a special channel of help and support. However, RealVNC has many more technical details and features that are not suitable for beginners. With sufficient knowledge, this MAC client for remote access to the desktop can be a powerful tool.


SplashTop is one of the best tools for easy access to your computer on a local network. If you want to view or edit Microsoft Office and PDF files, this can be done with maximum comfort. Browse web pages using Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox through the Remote Desktop Mac client. It was originally developed for Mac users, and now also for Windows.

Components of the SplashTop services include a streamer (managed device) and a command center (control device). Paid offer from SplashTop provides first-class encryption and additional feature sets. Watch with ease all the videos and music libraries that play only on your computer, regardless of format.

Remote Desktop - VNC

Anyone can use the remote desktop - VNC to conveniently manage their desktop. There is no need to pay any amount for using this Mac client for Remote Desktop. Open VNC connections from Mac to another as quickly as possible without any problems. The client works freely with your system without any delay.

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Wednesday 9 October 2019

5 tips to improve the maintenance of your computers

In this article you will find recommendations that will ensure that your desktops and laptops can remain in condition for longer.

Tips to take care of the maintenance of your computers

Let's see some tips to keep in mind to ensure the maintenance of computers in your business.

1. Keep peripheral accessories clean

A dirty keyboard will stop working faster and that will force you to invest more money in a new one. For a deeper and faster cleaning you can use a spray of compressed air. You should also ensure that the input and output ports are free of particles and that there is good air circulation in the device to prevent overheating.

2. Clean your monitor carefully

The screen is a very sensitive part to dust particles, liquids and fats. Therefore, it is convenient to clean it with a microfiber cloth that does not leave any residue on the surface. There are special products for LCD monitors that will prevent any damage during external maintenance.

3. Organize the cables

Power cords and accessory connectors must be arranged so that they do not deteriorate and prevent accidents, especially if you have small children or pets.

4. Always have the Firewall of your operating system active

This system is a defense mechanism for computers to avoid the influence of malware. It should remain operational, especially if you plan to install programs that come from strange sources.

5. Apply some safety tips

Turn off your computer properly whenever you finish using it. It is a process that only takes a couple of minutes and saves you a lot of money.

  • Avoid connecting to unknown networks and if you do, take security measures to prevent damage or information leaks.
  • Keep your computers away from magnetic elements that can damage the hard drive.
  • Remove frequently unused programs and make sure you uninstall them completely.
  • Keep your backups up to date in the cloud or on external devices.
  • Scan your computer frequently for possible threats.
  • Periodically reinstall your operating system to repair errors.
  • With these tips you will be able to keep your computers longer. You can apply them to both desktop devices and laptops.

In Ordenatech we are experts in the maintenance of computer equipment for companies and individuals. If you have any questions or needs, we invite you to contact us .

Why make encrypted backups

Let's see why it is important that you use an encrypted backup system .

1.You can have a secure presence in the cloud

You will have access to all the positive features of storing your data in the cloud without worrying about leaks. You keep control of the information even when it is not at your fingertips.

2. Protect the volatile information you share

With the rise of mobile phones, data is more exposed than you think. If you have made virtual purchases or have an online banking service, your financial information is exposed. With encryption you put a strong access lock for those who try to enter your profiles.

3. Encryption does not interfere with accessibility

Neither your computer nor your mobile devices will affect its performance by encrypting your backups. The processing features will remain intact but you will have enhanced protection features.

4. You retain your right to privacy

This may be the most important reason to establish an additional security mechanism. The data you store is only of interest to you and should not be disclosed or observed by people with whom you do not wish to share it. Encryption puts a privacy bubble that is not easy to penetrate by strangers.

5. Improve your credibility

If you have a small or large company in which you have access to your customers' data, you can keep their information protected and avoid leaks. An added value that you give to the consumer is to ensure complete confidentiality.

6. It is not altered through device connectivity systems

It is normal that you want to keep the devices connected daily, so it is also common to transfer data from one to another. Encryption prevents information transmission methods from being easily accessible for fraudulent processes and network spies.

In Ordenatech we help you so that your company's information is protected and you can make encrypted backups, so you don't have to continue worrying about the security of your data. 

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Monday 7 October 2019

Find out what colleges do to work with computers

Passion for technology? Find out which courses can prepare you for a brilliant career!
Whether in devices, software or strategies for using technology, the universe of computers and their surroundings increasingly attracts fans as a hobby and especially as a profession.
With the high demands and undeniable advances, this market opens space for different strands of work and, for this, various training courses. Even with space for professionals, it is not always easy to find people qualified for the functions available. Professionally prepared people get ahead when it comes to finding a good market place.
computer engineering:

Yes, computing has its engineering too! The student who chooses to graduate in Computer Engineering will invest five years for training in this bachelor's degree. The computer engineer is a professional capable of interpreting a client's needs or situation and, from this challenge, building all the necessary apparatus for an effective solution through technology.
Able to recognize graphs and symbols with quick thinking, the Computer Engineering graduate will be able to develop from the physical part of a device to the most advanced software. From programming language to industrial automation, this engineer can work in various professional segments and areas of technology.

Computer science:
The four-year bachelor's degree presents the theoretical basis of the computer world and its language. The student will be presented, throughout the course, to more complex situations of technology, being prepared for different challenges and career possibilities.
In addition to theory, strategic thinking for the use of different software and tools is explored during graduation, which makes this student much more complete.
Computer network:
In two and a half years, the Computer Network technology course prepares the student to work with technology products and services that involve communication networks and various segments of the Information Technology area.
The degree involves knowledge in activities of conception, specification, design, implementation, evaluation, support and maintenance of computer networks, as well as the search for solutions to various problems.
Analysis and systems development:
In technological course format, Analysis and Systems Development has an average duration of five semesters. It is one of the longest-running and most widely accepted courses that remains a good option for those who want to work with technology. The use of systems, from the most basic to the grandest and most complex, is essential for any type of business. The development and analysis of information allows processes to be optimized and provide insight into the routine situations of a company.
A professional trained in Systems Analysis and Development can work in different areas, whether in building operating systems, software and also games. In this course, the student is presented step by step, from planning a system to analyzing the data received by the programming.
Control and Automation Engineering:
The five-year bachelor's degree in Control and Automation Engineering involves different areas related to Computing and Technology, such as mechanics and computing. The degree aims to accompany technological development through their devices and software and program intelligence.
With this training, the professional will be able to work in various sectors and areas, because his knowledge allows working in many stages of development of technology processes in a company or business.
Digital games:
This two-and-a-half year technology course often turns the hobby of many computer enthusiasts into a profession. The course prepares the student to model, develop and produce interactive games such as video games, applications and games for mobile and other devices.
From the game script to the software construction, the professional is able to follow all stages of game development, including animation.
Where to go to college to work with computers?
Most educational institutions already have at least one course in their grade intended for the computer universe. But it is always important to check the quality and recommendation of the college and to know if it is recognized and evaluated by the Ministry of Education (MEC).

With this in mind, we point out to you some of the educational institutions that already meet MEC requirements and are great options for those who want to study and work with technology:

  • Anhanguera Educational Center (ANHANGUERA)
  • Cruzeiro do Sul University (UNICSUL)
  • City of São Paulo University (UNICID)
  • University of France (UNIFRAN)
  • Pitágoras College (PITÁGORAS) - in Minas Gerais

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Friday 4 October 2019

10 user types are the horror of IT support

You work in IT support or occasionally help family members and friends with PC problems? Then you probably know some of those obnoxious types of PC-seeking contemporaries from their own experience. We introduce the ten particularly annoying user types. Which every IT supporter fear to teach. Have fun scary.

1. The everlasting envious

The mere whisper about new technology products is enough to convince the persistent envious that he absolutely needs this device immediately.

Either it's new hardware, as a processor with even more cores, a more up-to-date smartphone model, or a trendy new mouse he's seen on some cool website. Or maybe it's a new desert design that he thinks the IT supporter could magically conjure up on his phone during lunch service. Or is it a new feature, which was seen in the Samsung advertising and should now install the IT supporter on his Apple iPhone ?Whatever it is, the constant envy knows: he needs it as soon as possible, even if he does not even know for what purpose. And so, no idea what problems could arise from it.

2. The paranoid

The paranoid always reads somewhere immediately about a new threat that could have affected it.
The paranoid was the first person who was afraid that the computer crash of the millenium ( the so-called year 2000 problem ) would erase all his data and sleepless nights in bed. He does not wait for a minute to weigh the real danger in peace and first to ask if he is not already protected against the latest PC virus or the latest Android malware did makes headlines at some point.In short, the hypochondriac is among PC users. And the IT supporter is unfavorably his doctor.

3. The private help needed

There is one user type. who treats the IT supporter like his personal assistant. He is the one who asks questions about his private, non-work related device. Sometimes he needs a purchase advice for a new device ( "what laptop should I buy for my daughter?") Then he lacks it with his cruncher at home ( "my PC makes funny things, do you have an idea what's going on with it? "), or he just needs a henchman (" Can you help me transfer my photos from iCloud to my Android Phone? "). And he never views his demands as annoying impositions.

He's the same guy who asks you for help with his move, even though you've talked to him first.

4.Mr. or Mrs. Non-Knowledge 

Mr. or Mrs. Non-Knowledge can not even solve simple basic problems, and thus always calls customer service for the highest-level concerns, such as removing crumbs from the keyboard. Although he does not know what to do when his mailbox is almost full.

With this type of user it is very difficult to imagine how he gets his other life on the line.

5. Mr./Ms. I know-everything-better

Our next annoying user is the would-be expert and thus the exact opposite of Mr./Ms. Non-knowledge: Mr. / Mrs. knows-everything better personally. He / she is the person who always tries everything first before calling you. It only makes things worse. Maybe she's been trying to remove unnecessary data from her computer to save space. Or maybe she played around in her Outlooke setting to make it work better. In the early PC times, so still autoexec.bat and config.sys the DOS computers dominated fumbled this type of user always so long in these two files, until nothing worked.

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Thursday 3 October 2019


Work area Support Technicians are the primary rung on the IT building vocation stepping stool. 

 What is it? Where would it be able to take you? Would it be advisable for you to wind up one? How would you become one?

What's going on here? 

The Desktop Support Technician: The uncelebrated yet truly great individual of the advanced period; the 21st century crisis administration; a luddite's first port of bring in a cyberstorm ("have you taken a stab at turning it now and again again?"). 

Otherwise called: Network Admin, Technical Support, Junior Engineer, Field Support, IT Admin, Technical Service Desk Agent. 

At the point when your PC can't interface with your organization intranet, or your cell phone quits downloading applications, or your projector won't converse with PowerPoint, it's a Support Technician that you call first. 

They are in charge of introducing, keeping up and fixing PC programming and equipment, and investigating specialized issues, regardless of whether on location or remotely, for clients or partners. 

Other obligations may include: 

  • Setting up client records and consents to enable access to a system. 
  • Keeping up and testing security; blocking unapproved get to. 
  • Setting up a support intend to anticipate issues. 
  • Giving specialized help to individuals who utilize the system/administration. 
  • Doing everyday organization. 
  • Structuring PC frameworks to address explicit issues for an organization. 
  • Observing everyday execution of tech frameworks. 
  • Preparing individuals how to utilize PC frameworks. 

Providing a basic assistance 

In a contemporary sense, they're in a similar class as mechanics, handymen and circuit testers: they keep our fundamental foundation working. 

Due to the fundamental idea of the activity, and the nonstop help numerous organizations offer their clients, the hours of a Desktop Support Technician can be unusual and incorporate night moves and ends of the week. 

A Desktop Support Technician is the passage level in IT designing. It's anything but a generously compensated job, however gives understanding and a stage to advancement in a very generously compensated area. 

Where would it be able to take you? 

The Desktop Support Technician job is the primary rung on the IT building vocation stepping stool: Experienced and gifted IT Engineers are popular, and can direction a significant expense for their work as well. Numerous senior IT Engineers win $100k+. 

The abilities you learn are exceptionally transferrable. You could work at the bleeding edge of AI in Silicon Valley, or you could offer IT support for your neighborhood library. Each business and administration needs an IT Technician in some limit. 

What's more, specialized help isn't your lone alternative going advances – you may not be as technically knowledgeable as your friends, yet discover you have incredible individuals the executives aptitudes, or that venture the board is your strength. These abilities are no less required, and Desktop Support can give a springboard into numerous jobs. 

What about the robots? 

Numerous work divisions are enduring on account of tech advancement: computerization will significantly diminish the requirement for drivers; robots are supplanting individuals on generation lines; and AI is notwithstanding offending lawyers. 

In any case, the impact of this in IT – and crosswise over STEM subjects – is to build the requirement for specialized help and designing aptitudes. 

Also, this development is set to proceed: the beginning of the shrewd city will require new IT abilities crosswise over metropolitan organizations; and the take off of blockchain innovation will psychologist layers of corporate administration for programming oversaw frameworks. 

As it were, learning IT backing is an approach to future-evidence your profession. 

Would it be a good idea for you to be one? 

Obviously you ought to be one! Be that as it may, can you? It is anything but a vocation for everybody. 

It helps if: 

You cherish tech. 

You are in fact disapproved. 

You like being tested. What's more, note that the difficulties never get simpler: as you get progressively talented, the difficulties sent your direction will get increasingly specialized. 

You like helping individuals, and you have persistence. Keep in mind that a great many people you will help have no IT learning, and you may invest a ton of your energy clarifying the most essential things. 

You're neighborly. Work area Support is a client support job, so how you treat individuals is as significant as how you treat their gadgets. 

You like learning. Tech evolves constantly, so neither can you – you'll need to learn as of recently you resign – an outdated architect is on a par with obsolete tech. 

You're perseverant, and inventive: your job is to fix things. On the off chance that you can't fix something, you need to make sense of a way that you can. 

You're sorted out. You might chip away at various ventures without a moment's delay. Dealing with your time (and other people's) admirably is significant. 

In case you're efficient and tolerant, appreciate picking up, instructing and testing yourself, and are liberal to new thoughts and innovations, you will do well indeed. 

In case you're a tech virtuoso who finds the powerlessness of simple disapproved of individuals to utilize their gadgets enraging, this activity most likely isn't for you. 

How would you become one? 

Work area Support Technicians are required in each industry: you could begin in the Army, in Healthcare, in retail, or with a bigger IT resourcing association like NSC where you will work crosswise over numerous customers, win capabilities and get wide involvement. You won't have to look far to secure the position posting. 

Furthermore, getting enlisted? IT is about competency – so a degree or secondary school confirmation will help, however experience and being certifiably capable is better. Finishing the free Google IT Support affirmation is an unmistakable method for demonstrating enthusiasm. 

Furthermore, recall, Desktop Support Technicians are the section level job – get your foot in the entryway by indicating excitement, at that point buckle down and thrive!

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Tuesday 1 October 2019

7 Desktop Support Challenges

The Desktop Support Technician will perform all aspects of support related to the daily computing needs of MathWorks staff. He/she will provide support via phone, e-mail and Intranet as well as perform problem determination at the user's workstation.

egardless of what number of representatives use "bring your very own gadget" cellphones for work, or what number of field representatives you outfit with tables, your office-put together workers are to a great extent subordinate with respect to their work area gadgets. Profitability relies upon those gadgets working appropriately, and giving work area backing is basic. 

There are a few difficulties organizations face when conveying work area support: 

1.There's a wide assortment of gadgets on work areas. Regardless of whether you have a standard arrangement, the sent gadgets float from standard after some time. A few workers have unique needs, more established gadgets are supplanted by more up to date models. You likely have a blend of working frameworks, with Windows, Linux, and perhaps a Mac or two in your inventive divisions, and different forms of each working framework. This assortment of gear and programming makes it hard to keep up the mastery expected to help the whole association. 

2.Routine upkeep is testing. Each gadget needs routine help and support. With the assortment of gadgets, it's hard to monitor where they are found, which patches are required, and what's been introduced. Regardless of whether you give remote access to your help group, a few issues must be understood nearby, so your group may need to move between numerous areas. You additionally need to plan these standard undertakings to not upset representatives' work, especially in the event that they're chipping away at a basic venture. 

3.Everyone has a work area. Nearly everyone in your business presumably utilizes a PC, and they all need support. Completely staffing a work area bolster group ends up costly when it requires many individuals. 

4.It's not just about the gadget. The work area bolster group needs to help both the equipment and programming, so there are a wide range of kinds of learning and abilities required. Moreover, work area bolster isn't just about fixing issues with gadgets and programming; it's tied in with characterizing approaches to guarantee end clients register securely, with lawful duplicates of authorized programming, and limit security dangers. 

5.Work areas are continually evolving. There's almost no steadiness in the realm of work area figuring. While equipment may not be habitually revived, the applications clients access change continually. This implies the requests they place on their gadgets change always, also. 

6.End clients hope to control their gadgets. Organizations need as far as possible on what clients do with their work area gadgets so as to meet consistence commands. Be that as it may, as clients become used to BYOD processing alone cell phones, they anticipate that the opportunity should tailor work areas to their own inclinations also. To guarantee representative assurance, work area bolster needs to offset client wanted with the corporate necessities. 

7.Work areas are both physical and virtual. Because of the development of virtual work area framework (VDI), giving work area bolster means supporting both the physical gadget on the work area and the virtual gadget. "Work area" issues can be because of genuine equipment issues, organize issues, or the VDI on the server. 

8.Work area support from Prescient Solutions helps organizations in Chicago and Schaumburg adequately deal with their work area framework. Get in touch with us to study how we can explain your work area bolster difficulties.

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Best Mac Remote Desktop Clients for Mac Remote Access

Regardless of whether you need to call support or share a screen with a friend, at certain times we need a client for Remote Desktop for...