Monday 7 October 2019

Find out what colleges do to work with computers

Passion for technology? Find out which courses can prepare you for a brilliant career!
Whether in devices, software or strategies for using technology, the universe of computers and their surroundings increasingly attracts fans as a hobby and especially as a profession.
With the high demands and undeniable advances, this market opens space for different strands of work and, for this, various training courses. Even with space for professionals, it is not always easy to find people qualified for the functions available. Professionally prepared people get ahead when it comes to finding a good market place.
computer engineering:

Yes, computing has its engineering too! The student who chooses to graduate in Computer Engineering will invest five years for training in this bachelor's degree. The computer engineer is a professional capable of interpreting a client's needs or situation and, from this challenge, building all the necessary apparatus for an effective solution through technology.
Able to recognize graphs and symbols with quick thinking, the Computer Engineering graduate will be able to develop from the physical part of a device to the most advanced software. From programming language to industrial automation, this engineer can work in various professional segments and areas of technology.

Computer science:
The four-year bachelor's degree presents the theoretical basis of the computer world and its language. The student will be presented, throughout the course, to more complex situations of technology, being prepared for different challenges and career possibilities.
In addition to theory, strategic thinking for the use of different software and tools is explored during graduation, which makes this student much more complete.
Computer network:
In two and a half years, the Computer Network technology course prepares the student to work with technology products and services that involve communication networks and various segments of the Information Technology area.
The degree involves knowledge in activities of conception, specification, design, implementation, evaluation, support and maintenance of computer networks, as well as the search for solutions to various problems.
Analysis and systems development:
In technological course format, Analysis and Systems Development has an average duration of five semesters. It is one of the longest-running and most widely accepted courses that remains a good option for those who want to work with technology. The use of systems, from the most basic to the grandest and most complex, is essential for any type of business. The development and analysis of information allows processes to be optimized and provide insight into the routine situations of a company.
A professional trained in Systems Analysis and Development can work in different areas, whether in building operating systems, software and also games. In this course, the student is presented step by step, from planning a system to analyzing the data received by the programming.
Control and Automation Engineering:
The five-year bachelor's degree in Control and Automation Engineering involves different areas related to Computing and Technology, such as mechanics and computing. The degree aims to accompany technological development through their devices and software and program intelligence.
With this training, the professional will be able to work in various sectors and areas, because his knowledge allows working in many stages of development of technology processes in a company or business.
Digital games:
This two-and-a-half year technology course often turns the hobby of many computer enthusiasts into a profession. The course prepares the student to model, develop and produce interactive games such as video games, applications and games for mobile and other devices.
From the game script to the software construction, the professional is able to follow all stages of game development, including animation.
Where to go to college to work with computers?
Most educational institutions already have at least one course in their grade intended for the computer universe. But it is always important to check the quality and recommendation of the college and to know if it is recognized and evaluated by the Ministry of Education (MEC).

With this in mind, we point out to you some of the educational institutions that already meet MEC requirements and are great options for those who want to study and work with technology:

  • Anhanguera Educational Center (ANHANGUERA)
  • Cruzeiro do Sul University (UNICSUL)
  • City of São Paulo University (UNICID)
  • University of France (UNIFRAN)
  • Pitágoras College (PITÁGORAS) - in Minas Gerais

   This article was originally published on ------ Read more

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